Monday, December 31, 2007

It's been almost 4 months in Texas and Aidan is adjusting fine. Of course, he gets in moods where he misses his old house with the gypsy moths or he misses his girlfriends "Shiana and Shiane". They're names are actually Anethasia and Shiane but all the kids just called them Shiana and Shiane. The were older girls who used to chase Aidan around all the time. Anyway, for the most part, he's doing good though.

He loves his superheros, Superman, Spider-man, Batman and the Power Rangers. His favorite is Superman though.

We're loving the weather here. We wouldn't be riding bikes on Christmas, or putting up the swing-set and playing on it this time of the year in Pennsylvania. I might be eating my words in the summer though.

Here is a video of Aidan's Pre-K putting on a holiday show....